The beginning...
In the spring of 2007, the HeeBeeBG's were formed. At that time they were a small group of the Bowling Green State University Men's Chorus. The HeeBees competed in the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella in the Spring of 2009 and took fourth place in the quarter finals. They also won best choreography and received three standing ovations. In the Fall of 2010 the HeeBees split from Men's Chorus in order to achieve more as their own ensemble and student organization. They reassembled that semester under the name Ten40 Acappella, deriving the name from the choral room at that time in the BGSU College of Musical Arts, room 1040. In this way, they would always keep a piece of the HeeBeeBG's with them. Since then, Ten40 has expanded both in membership and by becoming an official BGSU student organization. Ten40 Acappella looks forward to growing as an organization within Bowling Green State University and becoming more widely known among the campus and beyond.